Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Good Friday Prayer Breakfast (GFPB)?

The GFPB is a Riverside tradition. In fact, it has been held 42 years in a row! It has had many organizers and locations. The attendees are community leaders, clergy, and anyone who would like to participate.

How long does it take?

Doors open at 6:30am for early networking and coffee. Programing runs 7am-8:30am so those attending can make it into the office in good time.


The 41st Annual GFPB will be held at The Grove Community Church room C-100.

Do you pray the whole time?

A “prayer breakfast” can sound intimidating for some. The morning will actually be jam packed with networking, eating, special music, listening to an keynote speaker. Do we pray? Yes. But not the whole time.

What’s for breakfast?

The breakfast will include coffee, Belgium waffles, eggs, potatoes, bacon and more.

What if I have a food allergy?

Contact Brian Park at to see if we can accommodate your allergy.

I’ve purchased a table, sponsorship, or multiple seats. Do I need to provide the names of my guests?

March 25, 2023. You can forward the names to

I’m hoping to sit with/next to someone who purchased tickets.

Please send an email to and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

How will I know what my table number is for the GFPB?

When you arrive you will see your assigned table on a board.

Will the GFPB be live streamed this year?

The GFPB will not be live streamed.

Where do I park?

Parking is free. You can park anywhere but the closest spots are on the North side of the lot near room C-100. Here is a church map here.

Can I get some more info on the keynote speaker.

What is the theme for 2024?

The morning will be a visual display of the crucifixion of Jesus led by Armand Serrano. We are calling the day, Painted Worship. You will not want to miss this powerful recreation of Jesus’ last statements from the cross.

I’d like to be a sponsor of this event.

Please contact Brian Park at

What group puts this event on?

The Riverside Pastors Prayer Fellowship which is comprised of local clergy. They also put on the Easter Sunrise Service.